Bissantz ponders Bissantz ponders Lots of froth If you don’t have much to say, you don’t need to use a whole bunch of words – or cups for that matter. An example from the German magazine ‘Wirtschaftswoche’ shows us why. Learn more
Bella consults Bella consults Symbols for worse Symbols are difficult. In most cases they don't work. Some of them have to be learnt. It takes longer than reading something you already know - e.g. a word. Awkward symbols make me sad. The arrow is [...] Learn more
Bella consults Bella consults You must not chop Again. My law of proportion. The idea of a chart is: Display proportions between values with proportions of length. Proportional. Proportional. Proportional. You can ignore it. You can also lick out an [...] Learn more
Bella consults Bella consults Unruly data? Never mind! Graphics lie in many ways. Last week, German journal Wirtschaftswoche favored fudging with time scales. Three times in one issue alone. Indeed statistics are notoriously inaccurate. Often incomplete [...] Learn more