DeltaMaster at WENCO: On-the-road access to important sales data
WENCO uses DeltaMaster to analyze sales revenues. With just a click, DeltaMaster ReportServer generates and distributes approximately 10,500 reports each month. Customized reports strengthen the ties to customers while building their sales awareness.
As the largest non-food system supplier in Germany, WENCO provides everyday necessities to around 10,500 supermarkets and drug stores. The company values personal customer service. Its field sales organization comprises more than 50 percent of its workforce.

Merging data post-merger
WENCO saw the need to deploy a Business Intelligence solution back in 2010. After several companies merged to form WENCO Germany, its customer base nearly doubled. Along with this fast growth also came an enormous flood of data that the existing systems could no longer handle. “We were facing downright data chaos, which we could only counter with a new BI system,” recalled Johanna Gärtner, Managing Director and BI specialist at WENCO. Creating transparency had top priority. The company also wanted the new system to improve and standardize the data structure, simplify access for users, and tie together various departments for analysis. After examining several systems, WENCO selected a data warehouse based on Microsoft SQL Server and DeltaMaster as a front end system.
Systematic report design
In addition to the new technology, WENCO also revamped the way it builds and designs reports. An internal team of management accountants, sales, purchasing, and IT experts worked together with Bissantz in various workshops focusing on the functionality and appearance of reports. “In the case of our customer reports, layout is extremely important,” explained Johanna Gärtner. “We even gave our colleagues assignments in the beginning to get familiar with the new system environment.”
“We comprise a summary of various revenue reports for each of our customers. This strengthens our ties to customers while building their sales awareness and number sense.”
Johanna Gärtner, Managing Director, WENCO
Multidimensional analysis
WENCO primarily evaluates sales figures broken down by article groups and sales teams. The system provides valuable insights on variances to the same period in the previous year. Thanks to DeltaMaster, users can analyze them in minute detail.
Revenues per sales director, sales unit, and product group are frequently evaluated in team meetings.
DeltaMaster automatically highlights unusual various through graphic elements, which direct the readers’ attention
to the places where they need to take urgent actions.
DeltaMaster ReportServer, which contains automated functions to update, generate, and distribute reports, processes up to 10,500 reports each month. Individual members of the field sales organization automatically receive their reports as a PDF file.
DeltaMaster simplifies data mobility
of field sales
All field sales representatives at WENCO work with tablets. Since DeltaMaster ReportServer automatically generates and sends individual customer reports, they always have the information they need at hand. “We comprise a summary of various revenue reports for each of our customers,” Gärtner explained. “This strengthens our ties to customers while building their sales awareness and number sense.” Users analyze the revenue development of all article groups in comparison to the previous years. Graphical elements such as sparklines and bars direct the readers’ attention, provide the necessary information density, and display the numbers in the proper context.
A prime example in field sales is a benchmark report showing the top 20 product groups of an individual customer compared to all customers. “This shows the distribution of the products across Germany,” explained Gärtner. “DeltaMaster reveals how a product group is selling for all customers and an individual store in relationship.” This strengthens the sales awareness of the store manager and shows if and where actions should follow. WENCO has big plans for DeltaMaster. The company wants to integrate additional subsidiaries and refine the data structures and report design in the future.
- Over 10,000 customer reports each month
- Data mobility in field sales
- DeltaMaster ReportServer
- Multidimensional sales analysis
- Microsoft SQL Server/Analysis Services
- Systematic report design
- largest non-food system supplier in Germany
- supplies around 10,500 supermarkets and drugstores
- employs around 420 people worldwide