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Bucherer AG uses DeltaMaster for corpo­rate manage­ment. Purcha­sing, sales and ware­house planning are used to monitor and evaluate the product range and cost structure.

  • sales and cost planning

  • sales analyses down to product level

  • management reporting online

  • purchasing planning and stock turnover control

  • mobile analyses and evaluations

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Case Study BJB

Forward-looking data integration.

New business intelligence solution improves corporate management.

As Bucherer AG grew, so did the volume of data. Different source systems, data­bases and query tools made the evalu­ation of key figures very time-consuming. The IT staff was faced with the challenge of creating a wide variety of evalu­ations. Gene­rating consis­tent reports and key figures was quite an effort. Emplo­yees in controlling, branch managers and sales repre­sen­tatives wanted more auto­nomy in the design and retrieval of company key figures. After a detailed evalu­ation of a new business intelli­gence solution, DeltaMaster from Bissantz was chosen together with PIT AG as the imple­men­tation partner.

The possibility of an inte­grated planning solution was already taken into account during the modeling of the multi­dimen­sional data model. The ERP solution ProConcept, which is based on an Oracle data­base, provides the basic data. This data is stored in a high-perfor­mance Microsoft SQL server and, if necessary, enriched with additional infor­mation, such as article structures. Modern hard­ware ensures fast response times even for more complex analyses and queries. The first standard reports, which nowa­days are prepared and distri­buted in a highly auto­mated manner, were provided after a short time.

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Nicolas Bissantz

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