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Marketing controlling

Business intelligence for mar­ke­ting: check the effec­tive­ness of your mar­ke­ting mea­sures and allo­cate your adver­ti­sing bud­gets to the right channels.

  • fast integration of all marketing-relevant data sources, whether internal or external

  • flexible, AI-supported analysis of all marketing key figures, including data mining

  • simple definition of own key figures and comparisons

  • close integration with marketing planning

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Marketing controlling with Bissantz.

Manage your marketing activities effectively with business intelligence.

Which half of our advertising expenditure can we cut? Marketing controlling with Bissantz sets itself the task of providing infor­mation on the effectiveness of marketing measures, whereby the costs can be deter­mined directly, but the attribu­table success on turnover and company value can only be deter­mined indirectly. The contri­bution of e.g. the budget for image adver­tising in social media to sales success cannot be measured, but the increase in followers, likes or comments can.

Marketing controlling key figures are differentiated: they vary depending on the respective measure, in some cases from medium to medium, because reactions are each measured differently. In the case of measures to promote aware­ness, image and brand value, the focus is on budget planning, cost control and compari­sons of media costs rather than measuring relationships.­

Market leaders and hidden champions trust us.

One software – many success stories.

See how customers use Bissantz in marketing controlling.

Deviation analysis.

Deviation analysis.

The automated calculation of relative, absolute and cumulative deviations quickly shows how results differ from set targets. This creates time for strategic analyses and enables timely adjustments.

Cause analysis.

Cause analysis.

With Bissantz software, key figures can be automatically broken down into causing and compensating elements. This allows you to quickly and clearly identify the causes of deviations and take targeted action.

Trend identification.

Trend identification.

Historical data helps to identify patterns and risks. And they provide a good basis for forecasts. Bissantz automates the calculation of historical and forecast values for faster and better results.



Good data visuali­zation ensures clarity and compre­hen­sibility. Bissantz facilitates the selection of the right graphic type, graphic place­ment, scaling and coloring with AI-supported auto­mation and according to uni­versal standards.

Early warning.

Early warning.

As part of exception reporting, Bissantz auto­ma­tically gene­rates exception messages and reports that are required when certain events occur or thres­hold values are exceeded in order to react quickly.

User friendliness.

User friendliness.

Standardized data visuali­zation and the auto­mated assign­ment of names, signs, color codes, number scaling and much more make Bissantz soft­ware an intuitive tool for analysis, planning and reporting.

Which tasks does Bissantz support?

All of them – as a matter of principle: because our logic for evalu­ation and visualization is univer­sally valid. Our customers use our soft­ware for all typical marke­ting controlling tasks. On the basis of marke­ting success control and budgets, they decide on sales campaigns, adver­tising measures and media mix, identify successful product features and gaps in the product range,

examine the own product range, external data on market potential and market shares and evaluate the competitive offer.

Our customers use the standar­dized evaluations and visuali­zations of our soft­ware in marke­ting controlling for many other topics. These include:

  • GDPR

  • advertising measures

  • advertising success control

  • budgeting

  • campaign management

  • conversion rates

  • design patents

  • gaps in product range

  • key account management

  • life cycle analyses

  • market potential analyses

  • market research

  • marketing mix

  • marketing planning

  • name rights

  • new product planning

  • online marketing

  • panel surveys

  • pricing policy

  • product development

  • product life cycle

  • range rationalization

  • sales promotions

  • website visits

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Which key figures does Bissantz support?

All of them – as a matter of principle: the key figures in sales controlling and all other functions are not the by-product of opera­tional upstream systems, but are created in a multi-stage process. They are defined and then implemented.

Data from various tables is merged, filtered and summa­rized. Our soft­ware auto­mates the necessary steps. This allows you to generate exactly the key figures you need – for example:

  • advertising expenditure

  • churn rate

  • cost per click

  • customer complaints

  • customer loyalty

  • customer satisfaction

  • familiarity

  • image values

  • industry values

  • market growth

  • market penetration

  • market potential utilization

  • market potential

  • market shares

  • new customers

  • penetration

  • price-sales elasticity

  • repeat purchases

  • response rates

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Which perspectives does Bissantz master?

All of them – as a matter of principle: the more charac­teristics are avail­able for analysis, the more valuable the key figures in marketing controlling are. Our evalu­ation logic for marketing controlling and all other func­tions is there­fore always multi­dimen­sional, because it is precisely these characteristics,

often structured in hierarchies, which provide indications of possible causes or act as levers.

These characteristics are typical for marketing controlling:

  • advertising media

  • brands

  • business areas

  • competitors

  • countries

  • customer characteristics

  • equipment

  • markets

  • media

  • product features

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Which data sources does Bissantz know?

All of them – as a matter of principle: The key figures for marketing controlling and all other func ­tions are usually fed from several data ­bases. We query them via standard interfaces,

cleanse and combine them and prepare them as required for analysis, planning and reporting. The sources for marketing controlling include, for example:

  • cost center accounting

  • customer inquiry processing

  • external databases

  • media planning

  • order entry

  • panel

  • quotation processing

  • sales planning

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How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

Diagramme im Management

Besser entscheiden mit der richtigen Visualisierung von Daten

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