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Award-winning business intelligence software for controlling and data-based management in all specialist departments.

  • analysis, planning and reporting in one interface

  • immediately grasp what is important thanks to clear, uncluttered design

  • create, edit and distribute reports at record speed

  • one tool for all user groups, from report recipients to power users and data scientists

  • automation and standardization, across all applications

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One software for all tasks.

Leave piles of reports, floods of diagrams and fuzzy data behind you.

With DeltaMaster, everyone sees and under­stands the next steps to be taken, whether in controlling or in the specialist depart­ments. Inte­grated modules with artificial intelli­gence (AI) enable a high degree of auto­mation: the standard reports for perfor­mance reviews, variance analyses and fore­casts that every company needs are created in just a few minutes. DeltaMaster also contains numerous business manage­ment methods for ad-hoc analysis.

During planning, the entry of values is supported by bottom-up and top-down mecha­nisms, for example data entry at cell or aggre­gate level, value fixing or multi-level cell comments. DeltaMaster fully auto­mates report distri­bution so that even hundreds of recipients can be supplied with modified reports. DeltaMaster’s role concept addresses operation and data access in equal measure.­

Market leaders and hidden champions trust us.



Dashboarding and analysis are seam­lessly linked in our soft­ware. Reports and signals are clear and precise, and our notation concept regularly wins awards. Special proce­dures are available for parti­cular issues, such as geo-analyses, cross-report analyses, fore­casts and data mining suitable for specialist users.



You can easily create appli­cations for bottom-up and top-down planning – with distributed and decen­tra­lized data input. You manage master data and autho­ri­zations and record and monitor input, vali­dation and approval. You comment on and simulate plan corrections during the year and on an ongoing basis – closely inter­linked with reporting and variance analysis.



Our software offers all the neces­sary functions for modern, efficient reporting, from report display to report creation and distri­bution. Graphical tables replace the usual bulky diagrams. For ad-hoc analysis, active report recipients have access to powerful and compre­hen­sible mecha­nisms for data navigation and a smooth transition from overview to details. Self-service modules enable the develop­ment of new appli­cations in the specialist departments.­

All data in one interface.

Seamless connection to all relevant upstream systems and databases.

Architekturskizze BI und Data Warehouse mit Daten-Cube

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

Diagramme im Management

Besser entscheiden mit der richtigen Visualisierung von Daten

Erhältlich überall, wo es Bücher gibt, und im Haufe-Onlineshop.