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We handle the technical operations of your BI application in the cloud so that you can concentrate on your core business.

  • professional support with cloud setup and operation

  • reduction of the workload for your IT department during technical implementation

  • regular maintenance

  • extended service level agreements

  • personal support during operation, regardless of larger projects

  • fast implementation of new requirements without project lead time

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Your data in good hands.

Our consulting team knows the BI business inside out and is at your side for technical and project-specific issues.

Not every company has the necessary capacity and know-how to operate a business intelli­gence solution. The Bissantz operations service pack­age covers this bottle­neck. Our consul­ting team supports you in the design, setup and manage­ment of data storage – prefe­rably in the cloud (Azure). This enables us to ensure cost-conscious dimen­sioning and confi­guration, for example regarding storage space and com­pu­ting power. Your solution there­fore remains easy to calculate.

Bissantz handles the operation of all neces­sary infra­structure com­po­nents for you, such as the data­base or Bissantz services. Optionally, we can also orga­nize the distri­bution of the reports and dash­boards you create. You can also use the Bissantz operator model to pre­pare and test the launch of larger projects. This allows us to set up your initial BI appli­ca­tions already in early project phases in the sense of rapid proto­typing, with no need for you to create any neces­sary infrastructure in advance.

Market leaders and hidden champions trust us.

Monitoring and optimization.

Monitoring and optimization.

As part of regular opera­tional support, we monitor your BI systems, ensure stability and mini­mize down­time in the event of poten­tial prob­lems. With the help of perfor­mance analyses, we uncover bottle­necks and inefficient processes and help to optimize them.



We support you in the design and imple­men­tation of exten­sions – from needs assess­ment to deve­lop­ment, testing and inte­gration into the existing system. This allows you to adapt your business intelli­gence solution to the chan­ging require­ments of manage­ment and specialist departments.



Well-documented business intelli­gence systems are efficient, safe and trans­parent. As part of our regular opera­tional support, we there­fore take on the creation of tech­nical and user docu­men­tation as well as meta­data descrip­tions, report and dash­board documentation for you.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

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