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Bissantz soft­ware offers the right ana­lysis method for every busi­ness question.

  • AI modules for the rapid creation of reports and ad-hoc analyses

  • data mining methods suitable for specialist users

  • clear, patented data visualization

  • close integration with planning and reporting in one interface

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Analyze data easily and efficiently.

Bissantz offers numerous business management methods for analyzing company data.

Bissantz makes ana­lyzing company data in con­trolling and in the specialist depart­ments easier and more efficient than ever before. This is achieved by integrated AI modules, patented visual­izations and our ex­tensive method library, which offers the right method for every business question. Our power tool DeltaMaster contains numerous methods for data analysis, such as ran­kings, time series, portfolio-, distribution-, ABC-, location analysis, maps, cross­tabs and early war­ning func­tions.

DeltaMaster also offers the necessary func­tions for statis­tical analyses, for example of cam­paigns, web visit data, quality values or cust­omer surveys. AI-based data mining processes support anal­yses in which the question is not known in ad­vance but should result from the data itself. To this end, we have deve­loped inter­active report formats for desk­top and smart­phone that allow specialist users to get started with deviation analysis and cause analysis as early as in the reporting stage.

Market leaders and hidden champions trust us.



The result of DeltaMaster’s auto­matic ABC- analysis is a clear table with an initial pro­posal for the classi­fication. Of course, the class bound­aries can be changed indi­vidually. It doesn’t matter which data­base the data comes from – the analysis works with Micro­soft Analysis Services and SAP BW as well as with Oracle and the other data­bases that DeltaMaster supports.

Data mining and statistics.

Data mining and statistics.

Specialist-user-friendly data mining methods enable anal­yses in which the question is not known in ad­vance but should result from the data itself. Our AI algo­rithms are so easy to use that data scientists, specialist users and mana­gers enjoy using them just as much as manage­ment boards, super­visory boards and owners.



In the data rooms of com­panies, maps are a valuable orien­tation aid if a connection between locations and values is sus­pected. DeltaMaster’s geo-analysis shows where and how much by showing colored areas on geo­graphical or indi­vidually created maps, such as floor plans. A double-click takes you closer and deeper: with a drill-down, directly from the map, subtleties become visible.



In multiple reports (multiples), several reports can be arranged indi­vidually next to each other, for example a gra­phical table with sales by customer, an­other with sales by product and a geo-analysis with plan devi­ations. For this purpose, the screen can be divided into a config­urable grid, the fields of which can be filled with selected DeltaMaster reports. The sub-reports retain their inter­activity.

Portfolio analysis.

Portfolio analysis.

Portfolio analysis is one of the textbook business manage­ment methods that DeltaMaster auto­mates. In portfolio analysis, the position of objects in a matrix with four fields, that are assigned recom­men­dations for action, is of interest. The fields typically result from the values “low” and “high” for an internal and an external variable. The internal variable repre­sents the company’s own oppor­tunities or strengths, while the external variable re­pre­sents the attrac­tive­ness or con­ditions of the market.

Ranking and PowerSearch.

Ranking and PowerSearch.

The ranking com­parison with the module of the same name com­pares any desired objects: Are they all the same or is one bigger, smaller, better or worse than the other? The metho­dologically closely related module, PowerSearch, creates cross-level and cross-dimen­sional rankings.

Small Multiples.

Small Multiples.

The small multiples method auto­matically gene­rates a report con­sisting of several similar partial reports. A specific template is repeated, but calcu­lated with changing elements, for example the ten best-selling products for each sales region. DeltaMaster auto­matically formats and arranges the resulting partial reports.

URL views.

URL views.

URL views can be used to include external sources of infor­mation into the visu­alization, particularly web­sites or applications. The DeltaMaster web client can also be integrated in this way. In combi­nation with multiples, solutions are created that combine different information channels and data sources. Reports and analyses created with DeltaMaster can be displayed together with other systems, for example a web-based CRM or workflow manage­ment system, all within one interface.

Time series analysis.

Time series analysis.

DeltaMaster supports time series analyses with compre­hensive and typical functions, for example trend lines, incre­ments and series on a second Y-axis. In addition, special attention is paid to correct scaling. DeltaMaster can auto­matically optimize the aspect ratio of the display so that the value develop­ment is always shown as clearly as possible.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

Diagramme im Management

Besser entscheiden mit der richtigen Visualisierung von Daten

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