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Integrated corporate planning.

Bissantz’s inte­grated corporate planning is a modular planning tool. It offers a trans­parent planning work­flow from sales to cash flow to analysis – all in one soft­ware. With over 25 years of experi­ence in building business intelli­gence and planning solu­tions, Bissantz is a reliable partner for your planning.

  • integration: from sales to costs to P&L, balance sheet and cash flow

  • modular structure: activate and deactivate sub-plans as required

  • individualization: extensions can be added quickly and efficiently

  • multi-level workflow: bottom-up planning, change tracking

  • analysis and reporting: find anomalies automatically

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From sales to cash flow:
Integrated corporate planning with Bissantz.

Optimize your business processes with integrated corporate planning from Bissantz.

As a controller, manager or entre­pre­neur, you know how important effective inte­grated corporate planning is. But do you have the right tools for this? A lack of trans­pa­rency and effi­ciency in corporate planning wastes time and resources. Inade­quate planning processes can lead to poor deci­sions and financial losses.

How often have you lost yourself in endless Excel spread­sheets to coor­di­nate the various sub-plans of your corporate planning? Have you ever over­looked an impor­tant aspect because it was hidden in a confu­sing spread­sheet? How much time have you wasted manually combi­ning data from different sources?

With the integrated planning solution from Bissantz, you can design your business planning effec­tively and trans­pa­rently in our DeltaMaster software.

The modular planning soft­ware contains various sub-plans, such as sales planning, cost planning, P&L planning, balance sheet planning and cash flow planning. The sub-plans are linked to each other and are auto­ma­tically balanced against each other. Sub-plans can be acti­vated and deacti­vated as required.

The functional sub-plans can be enriched with specific planning details. For example, quantity-based sales planning, price planning, customer condition planning or specific product costing can be acti­vated for sales planning. Sub-plans that are missing can be quickly supple­men­ted or expanded using the flexible planning framework.

Market leaders and hidden champions trust us.

Integrated corporate planning in DeltaMaster: standardized and individual.

Optimize your planning with Bissantz – modular and flexibly adaptable to your needs!

Standardized and individual – is that even possible? We think: yes! As a soft­ware provider for planning, analysis and reporting, Bissantz has been working on stan­dar­di­zation and auto­mation in controlling for over 25 years. And with success: the front end of our soft­ware is patented and award-winning. Bissantz customers create their manage­ment reports faster and can focus on the content, not the formatting. We have trans­ferred this approach to projects and solutions.

Also here, Bissantz delivers a high degree of stan­dar­di­zation and auto­mation. The secret behind this: We rely on the same frame­work that makes our consul­tants faster and more flexible in customer projects than anyone else. Bissantz solutions are completely finished and ready to use, without being rigid and closed. They can be adapted to the specifics of your business in no time at all. Does your budget planning work differently than usual? Have we never seen your planning calcu­lation before? No problem: with our flexible planning approach!

Workflow Integrierte Unternehmensplanung

Integrierte Unternehmensplanung Workflow


Integrated corporate planning must suit you. Do you plan on the basis of price and quantity instead of turn­over? Do you start with the P&L? Do you use quantity-based cost types instead of a value approach? Our planning soft­ware adapts to your needs. You can either use all sub-plans or switch off indi­vi­dual areas flexibly.

Scenario planning.

Nobody knows what the future holds. It is there­fore impor­tant that a planning tool allows for different versions of a plan. Our solu­tion allows any number of planning versions – even copying data between any scenarios.

Open interfaces.

A modern planning system must be able to be inte­gr­ated and deployed as quickly as possible. The open inter­faces of our solution enable data to be imported from any system – with Bissantz ERP Solutions even as a direct import from SAP. Data export to all ERP systems is of course also possible.

Planning workflow.

Bottom-up planning can quickly become confu­sing. With integrated corporate planning from Bissantz, you can main­tain an over­view and control the entire process centrally. Auto­matic change tracking enables maxi­mum trans­pa­rency in the bottom-up process.


Plan values without quali­ta­tive infor­mation are difficult to inter­pret. Commen­ting on plan data helps to under­stand devi­ations in the plan/actual analysis. Unlike Excel, our soft­ware stores the comments in the data­base so that they are also available in reporting.


Why are inte­gra­ted planning solutions being intro­duced? 83 percent of custo­mers expect time savings and a reduc­tion in the error rate. The high degree of auto­mation of our planning solution meets these require­ments: e.g. with auto­matic balance carry­forward, rule-based deri­vation of inte­gra­ted finan­cial plans and dynamic default values.


Only a few people in the company are allowed to read all data, let alone write or change it. By using best practices and common industry stan­dards, we ensure that your key figures are only acces­sible to autho­rized persons. A group-based autho­ri­zation concept ensures conve­nient administration.


No two financial years are the same? Is your market changing more dyna­mi­cally than ever before? The inte­gr­ated planning soft­ware from Bissantz is based on a power­ful planning frame­work that can be individually expanded: Tomorrow planning on sectors, the day after tomorrow monthly rolling forecast – all in one user interface.

Reporting and analysis.

The patented and award-winning soft­ware from Bissantz displays data clearly, draws atten­tion to devi­ations and enables plan/actual compa­ri­sons and further analyses with your planning data at any time. From planning and analysis with data mining methods to com­pre­hen­sive company reporting – the user interface is identical.

Integrated planning for all functions.

all functions

Integrated planning solution
or individual planning system?

Prefabricated planning logic and intuitive input masks simplify planning processes.

Integrated corporate planning is a finished solu­tion in which the planning logic and many planning masks are com­ple­tely pre­fab­ri­cated. The system and proces­ses of financial planning (income state­ment, balance sheet, cash flow state­ment) form the core of an inte­gra­ted planning system. As these logics func­tion similarly across companies, they are perfectly suited for standardization.

Alternative: individual planning systems

As an alter­native, Bissantz offers customized planning systems that are deve­loped speci­fi­cally for our custo­mers. These are indi­vi­dual planning topics that are tailored to the needs of indi­vi­dual compa­nies. In some cases, specific business proces­ses or indi­vi­dual key figure systems lead to an indi­vi­dual structure: special deri­va­tions of production planning from sales planning, top-down planning with integer distri­butions (because “half products” make no sense) or industry-specific default values with charac­teristic drivers and much more.

Fast project planning

With over 25 years of expe­ri­ence in setting up planning appli­ca­tions, we provide our custo­mers with com­pre­hen­sive advice and create systems with short project lead times. The proven success of our projects speaks for itself.

What the finished solution and the custo­mized version have in common is that they are based on the same stan­dar­di­zed planning frame­work and tried-and-tested auto­mation tools. This means that the ready-to-use inte­gra­ted corporate planning can be quickly expan­ded to meet indi­vi­dual require­ments. Step-by-step custo­mized planning systems can be set up from scratch in a sur­pri­singly short time. Both variants benefit from tech­no­lo­gical improve­ments to the under­lying frame­work – especially for optimum planning performance.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

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