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The technology group Voith uses DeltaMaster in strategic group purchasing for analyzing expenditure and procurement activities as well as for reporting.

  • high complexity: four divisions, 1,200 product groups, 30,000 suppliers, 420,000 orders, 695,000 invoices

  • high reaction speed thanks to efficient reporting

  • virtual hierarchies, in addition to database structures

  • variable detailing of the analyses down to document level

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Bissantz Case Study Case Study Voith

Flexible analysis and reporting with DeltaMaster
in strategic group purchasing.

KPI instead of list reporting: fact-based corporate management.

Voith was looking for an expert system for purcha­sing controlling for strategic group purcha­sing. The previous list-based reporting via the data ware­house was to be replaced by a reporting system with a system of key figures.

„From a Group perspective, managing purcha­sing at Voith requires good complexity manage­ment and a high degree of flexi­bility. Different business areas, structures, processes, markets and challen­ges within purcha­sing require flexible analyses and reports,“ explains Matthias Krebs, Head of Purcha­sing and Supply Chain Analytics at Voith. „We in the depart­ment wanted a solution that would enable us to imme­di­ately identify deviations in the right context and get to the bottom of them. It is also neces­sary to be able to flexibly create ad-hoc ana­lyses across different data sources such as SAP, Oracle and Micro­soft Dynamics NAV.“

„The functio­nality of DeltaMaster consi­derably expands our scope of action in the area of analytics and reporting,“ adds Patrick Teme­schinko, Head of Purcha­sing Strategies and Methods at Voith GmbH & Co. KGaA.

The DeltaMaster business intelli­gence suite was recommended to Voith as a bench­mark – both by employees and by Voith’s IT partner Orpheus, which specia­lizes in procure­ment intelli­gence solutions for strategic purchasing. After evalu­ating other tools from the BI envi­ron­ment, Voith followed the recommen­dation. „In compa­rison with other products, DeltaMaster also emerged as the solution that best meets the high complexity of our corporate purchasing depart­ment in terms of analysis flexibility, speed and compre­hensible visuali­zation,“ confirms Krebs.

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Nicolas Bissantz

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