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Norma Group.

NORMA Group uses DeltaMaster to ensure that the IT costs of more than 5,100 employees are allo­cated according to their source.

  • utilization level analyses based on active directory data

  • depiction of compliance key figures

  • ticket reporting via complex helpLine data

  • predictive analytics

  • DeltaMaster Kiosk visualizes the reports in help desks

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Bissantz Case Study Norma Group

IT controlling with DeltaMaster.

Full control over IT compliance, costs and management.

NORMA Group is an inter­na­tional manu­facturer of joining and fast­ening tech­no­logy. It supplies over 10,000 customers in more than 100 countries, for example in the mech­anical engi­neering, ship­building, agri­cultural and pharma­ceutical industries. The company employs around 5,100 people at over 60 inter­national production sites and sales offices. NORMA Group has been using the inte­grated business intelli­gence suite DeltaMaster for analysis and reporting for nine years. Over 600 employees from almost every business unit use the DeltaMaster appli­cations, especially in sales.

Access is provided via the Citrix-based NORMA Cloud Connect environ­ment. The decisive factor for the sele­ction of DeltaMaster was the ability to merge different data sources in a stan­dar­dized way – in a hetero­geneous system land­scape with initially eleven different ERP systems. Moreover, ease of use, adap­tability and fast appli­cation creation were also important. NORMA benefits from DeltaMaster through the reduction of data sources, simpli­fication of data access and high trans­pa­rency and compre­hen­sibility of information.

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Nicolas Bissantz

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