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Liebherr’s earth­moving division uses Bissantz for inter­na­tional sales partner deve­lop­ment. Employees and sales partners can inform them­selves about their specific key figures via web access.

  • uniform database (Microsoft SQL Server)

  • interactive analyses

  • continuous display of the key sales figures

  • web access for over 160 sales partners worldwide

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Bissantz Case Study Liebherr

Sales controlling in a
heterogeneous system environment.

Partner solution from Bissantz and STAR COOPERATION for users worldwide.

Whether mobile or crawler exca­vators, duty cycle crawler cranes, bull­do­zers and crawler loaders, pipe layers, teles­copic handlers, wheel loaders or articu­lated dump trucks – Liebherr earth­moving, material handling and special civil engi­neering machines are used all over the world. The machines are mainly sold via a global net­work of over 160 sales partners. In this context, the company was looking for a business intelli­gence solution that would provide both Liebherr and its sales partners with conti­nuous, compre­hensive, up-to-date, error-free and reliable key figures.

A standar­dized basis of data on customers, products, employees, sales processes, etc. was to form the foundation for sales-relevant analyses and key figures. This data stems from the ERP system and a variety of different CRM and sales systems developed in-house by Liebherr.

„On the one hand, our aim was to conti­nuously display key perfor­mance indicators and target achieve­ment,“ explains Klaus Springer, respon­sible for order processing and sales planning at Liebherr-Hydraulik­bagger GmbH. „On the other hand, we wanted to ensure that critical deve­lop­ments are imme­diately recog­nizable thanks to a suitable display and can be analyzed more thorou­ghly with just a few clicks in order to derive relevant and concrete measures.“ The key figures and analyses were to be accessed via the world wide web.

The con­struc­tion machinery manu­fac­turer identified DeltaMaster from Bissantz as suitable BI software. In selecting the soft­ware and imple­men­ting the solution, Liebherr-Hydraulik­bagger was supported by the manage­ment consul­tancy STAR COOPE­RATION, which had already advised the construc­tion machinery manu­fac­turer in the past.

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Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

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