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Leica Camera.

Among other things, Leica Camera uses Bissantz to prepare the monthly financial state­ments, daily evalu­ations and perform ad hoc analyses. A proprietary data ware­house with SAP data was set up for this purpose.

  • qick-win the initial application for analyzing Access data

  • data warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server to analyze SAP data with the help of automated ETL

  • daily and monthly reporting, changes in inventory

  • status of order processing in production

  • sales reporting and sales planning

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Bissantz Case Study Leica

SAP data in focus.

Data Warehousing at Leica Camera.

BARC reports on how the project was imple­men­ted in its three-part case study „Efficient analysis of SAP data with Bissantz“. The Würzburg-based analysis and consulting firm exa­mined the Bissantz solu­tions for SAP data at various compa­nies, including Leica Camera AG.

„Together with Bissantz, a data ware­house was set up with Microsoft SQL Server on a virtual machine. SAP data is loaded over­night using SSIS proce­dures. The data ware­house corres­ponds to a classic archi­tec­ture: first, unmo­dified data is loaded into a staging area, where it is trans­formed and loaded into further layers.

The data ware­house follows a stable archi­tec­ture: first, the unmodi­fied data is loaded into a staging area, where it is trans­formed and loaded into further layers. DeltaMaster ETL is used for the data mode­ling of rela­tional models and hierar­chies. This structure of the data ware­house enables efficient use of SAP data in combi­nation with other data sources, for example with data from subsi­diaries that do not use SAP. These subsi­diaries usually input data into the data ware­house manually by providing data as files via data export.“

You can find the complete report in the case study.

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Nicolas Bissantz

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