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At HANSAINVEST Real Assets, Bissantz helps to manage a vast real estate portfolio and analyze it on an ad hoc basis. All bookings, areas and rental conditions can be evaluated.

  • fund and portfolio analyses, risk and return

  • comprehensive standard reporting, including compliance with statutory reporting obligations

  • broad use of procedures: business administration, statistics and data mining methods

  • multidimensional planning with sparklines and trend display

  • SAP/Blue Eagle upstream system

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Bissantz Case Study Hansainvest

Analyzing large areas in precise detail.

Comprehensive standard reporting with DeltaMaster.

HANSAINVEST Real Assets was looking for a solution to analyze its complex real estate and infra­struc­ture port­folio on an ad hoc basis. For example, the company wanted to obtain a quick over­view at fund or sub-portfolio level; the positio­ning of properties was to be diffe­ren­tiated according to risk and return consi­der­ations; value drivers were to be syste­ma­tically processed, for example invest­ments, vacancy rates, rental income, manage­ment costs, market values and fund returns.

Following the intro­duc­tion of the SAP/Blue Eagle ERP system, it was time to stan­dar­dize and auto­mate reporting. In the past, the company had struggled with media discon­ti­nuities, excessive Excel files and a high level of manual effort. The objec­tives were realized in an analy­tical control­ling appli­cation based on DeltaMaster. All essential statu­tory reporting obli­ga­tions have been imple­men­ted in 25 stan­dard reports. This is supple­men­ted by area-specific special reports. The results are imme­diately available in the integrated data model.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

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