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Grant Thornton.

The auditing company uses DeltaMaster to analyze and report data from the ERP system DATEV EO comfort, other DATEV modules and third-party systems.

  • reports for around 150 recipients

  • automated evaluation of the number of hours worked by over 1,300 employees on 150 cost centers

  • sales and salary planning

  • stationary and mobile use via app

  • authorization concept at cell level

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Bissantz Case Study Grant Thornton

Digitalization at Grant Thornton.

Digital transformation also for reporting.

Grant Thornton has not only taken up the cause of digitali­zation in terms of supporting clients from the digitali­zation idea through to implemen­tation – the auditing firm is also pursuing ambitious „digital plans“ itself: Grant Thornton wants to be the most digita­lized auditing firm on the German market by 2025.

One milestone was the increased digitali­zation of the reporting system, which was previously based on Excel.

The monthly reports with information on employee develop­ment, cost accounting and recei­vables manage­ment were to be created and sent to various report recipients automa­tically and in a standar­dized manner – adapted to the respective information require­ments. The required data comes mainly from the ERP system DATEV EO comfort, supple­mented by data from other DATEV modules, for example for receivables manage­ment and financial accounting.

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Nicolas Bissantz

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