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Bauer Media Group.

The Bauer Media Group uses DeltaMaster for analysis and planning. In addition to the controlling of subscrip­tion marketing, cost and cost center planning are also realized.

  • Microsoft SQL Server for centralized provision of commercial data, production data from SAP ERP and other systems

  • centralized cost planning for the entire sales sector

  • planning completed in half the time

  • 150 cost centers, 400 cost types

  • access management via authorization matrix

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Case Study Bauer Media Group

Bauer Media Group plans with Bissantz.

DeltaMaster brings clarity to the marketing of magazine subscriptions.

The Bauer Media Group is one of Europe’s leading media companies and publi­shes over 60 magazines in Germany alone. The company has been using DeltaMaster for several years in order to have clarity about the marketing of maga­zine sub­scrip­tions at all times. The focus is on deter­mi­ning the costs of acquiring new sub­scri­ptions (cost-per-order) and analyzing them, for example by advertising channel (print, telephone, internet).

Other examples include analyzing the growth and loss of magazine sub­scrip­tions according to criteria such as the customer’s age or area of residence. Moreover, cancel­lation dead­lines are moni­tored and errors in the calcu­lation of promotion rebates are identified.

Due to the excellent expe­rience with DeltaMaster as an analysis tool, the media company decided to also use the BI software for planning.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

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