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Aebi Schmidt.

Aebi Schmidt relies on Bissantz for sales controlling: Daily updated data from SAP is merged in the data ware­house and dis­played in DeltaMaster for analysis, planning and reporting.

  • data warehouse in Microsoft SQL server/analysis services

  • sales data analysis with over 83,000 products, 80 countries, 21,000 customers and 300,000 invoices

  • automatic report distribution

  • annual, production and project planning

  • monthly rolling forecast as a basis for plant capacity planning

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Case Study - Referenzbericht zu Controlling mit SAP-Daten bei zwissTEX

Professionalization of sales.

Business intelligence instead of Excel analyses and plans.

At Aebi Schmidt, sales data used to be analyzed and planned for the following year using Excel, based on unit sales, turnover and margin. The planning process in particular required a high level of manual effort on the part of the controller. The use of business intelligence soft­ware provided a solution and profe­ssiona­lized the planning process.

The aim was to radically reduce both local data entry and the central admin­istra­tive work­load. To this end, the require­ments for the new business intelligence tool were clearly defined by management:

All relevant sales infor­mation for group-wide analysis of customers, products and markets was to be combined in a data ware­house across all bookings.

Solutions from various providers were exa­mined and evaluated. Aebi Schmidt opted for DeltaMaster. “DeltaMaster enables a quick setup on data cubes such as Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle OLAP,” Thomas Schen­kirsch, Group Controller at Aebi Schmidt, explains. “Many analysis options are already preconfigured, so reports can be generated quickly.”

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Nicolas Bissantz

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