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Microsoft Dynamics.

Bissantz ERP Solutions for Dynamics bring your data from the cloud into controlling – for effective business analyses.

  • business intelligence interface with ready-made standard reports

  • contribution margins analyzable at customer and item level

  • flexible expansion options with planning modules and data from other upstream systems

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Bissantz ERP Solutions for Dynamics.

Logical and user-friendly – from data modeling to reporting.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides companies with a pop­ular ERP system – and a rich data­base for cor­porate mana­gement. To turn this into effective, efficient con­trolling, more is needed: sound business logic, a well-modelled data ware­house and easy access for the specialist departments.

With Bissantz you can close the gaps: Based on the Sales & Marketing module, we have deve­loped Bissantz ERP Solutions for Micro­soft Dyna­mics. We model and inte­grate your ERP data auto­ma­tically, and you receive a busi­ness intelli­gence system with stand­ards for mea­ningful reports, flexible anal­yses and even data mining.

Market leaders and hidden champions trust us.

Maximum flexibility.

Maximum flexibility.

Bissantz integrates your data from Micro­soft Dyna­mics 365 and other up­stream sys­tems, either on prem­ises or in the cloud. With the help of AI-supported auto­mation, we can quickly create an inde­pen­dent data ware­house and model your data right through to the finished business intelli­gence appli­cation for all areas of the com­pany, inclu­ding modules for inte­grated corporate planning.

Business logic.

Business logic.

Bissantz ERP Solutions con­tain pre­de­fined logic for hand­ling business data, for example for contri­bution margin calcu­lation. The solu­tion thus facili­tates advanced inter­active anal­yses in con­trolling, while the specialist depart­ments can scruti­nize their data them­selves in meaningful reports.

Standardized reporting.

Standardized reporting.

The Bissantz business intelli­gence inter­face offers intelli­gent design sugges­tions and func­tional design options. A proven two-colour concept and other patented visuali­zations ensure uni­form key figure systems and depic­tions in all reports. This makes your reporting effective and easy to understand.

Open architecture.

Dynamics data in Azure Data Lake Storage can be flexibly supplemented with additional data sources.

Architektur Bissantz und Microsoft Dynamics 365

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

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