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With Bissantz Finance Solutions, you can access your financial data from Datev appli­cations for professional analyses, planning and reporting.

  • automated connection to your Datev software

  • ready-made reports and dashboards in the browser and on smartphones

  • flexible interactive analyses

  • seamless integration of planning possible

  • quick implementation – up and running in 2 days

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Intelligent financial reporting.

Bissantz Finance Solutions based on Datev data.

The data from your accoun­ting system is a real trea­sure! If only your Datev appli­cations were more acces­sible, easier to anal­yze, could be linked to other data and could also be used for planning and projec­tions … With Bissantz Finance Solutions, you can close these gaps:

The AI-based solution auto­mates your repor­ting and analysis processes, from data connec­tion all the way to the dash­board on your smart­phone and paves the way for planning. This makes your controlling faster, better and easier than ever before. All within just 2 days!

Market leaders and hidden champions trust us.

Short implementation time.

Short implementation time.

Via direct connection to your Datev soft­ware and intelli­gent auto­mation, you are ready to go within 2 days: you receive imme­diate access to your new finan­cial reporting with inter­active anal­ysis func­tions and ready-made reports for balance sheet and income statement.

Efficient financial planning.

Efficient financial planning.

The planning functions in the Bissantz inter­face provide you with a profes­sional tool­kit for calcu­lating plan values, fore­casts, simu­la­tions and what-if scenarios, including the inte­gra­tion of actual values.

Flexible extensions.

Flexible extensions.

Thanks to the open data archi­tecture of Bissantz Finance Solutions, data from other up­stream systems such as ERP, CRM, HR and merch­an­dise manage­ment can be integrated. This allows you to expand the solution into a compre­hensive controlling platform.

Kanzleicontrolling mit DeltaMaster-MIS

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

Diagramme im Management

Besser entscheiden mit der richtigen Visualisierung von Daten

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