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DeltaMaster Android app launched

DeltaMaster-App for Android is now available at Google Play store. From now on it is possible to use applications and reports of the Business Intelligence software DeltaMaster with current mobile operating systems.

DeltaMaster app on Google Play

Setup, functionality and operation fo the Android app mostly correspond to the iOS version. For example, users can update (recalculate) reports, set filters, zoom and navigate in Graphical Tables, export reports or download them to the device for offline use.

Bissantz also offers – apart from the DeltaMaster-App – the DeltaApp, which is exclusively designed for mobile management reporting. Sales manager Michael Nordhausen explains “our mobile solutions respect the characteristics of the various devices. The DeltaMaster-App is made to be used on tablets. the presentation resembles the desktop client but the handling is different. The DeltaMaster-app respects this point and provides a simple interaction. However, even within the daily hectic management routine, a smartphone is mostly kept vertical and a thumb must be enough for operation. This requires special concepts for information and interaction which are delivered by the DeltaApp. 

  DeltaMaster im Apple Appstore   DeltaMaster bei Google Play  

We would be happy to grant you access to our demo system for the trial of the DeltaMaster-app.


Nicolas Bissantz

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