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The online store Motea uses DeltaMaster as „Soft­ware as a Service“ (SaaS) for detailed contri­bution margin accounting, stock assess­ments, days-of-inventory analyses and indivi­dual analyses for nego­ti­ations with suppliers.

  • data analyses down to item level for 30,000 products and various sales platforms

  • analyses for purchasing, controlling, customer service, marketing, logistics

  • pricing and margin calculation via detailed contribution margin calculation

  • optimized availability of goods thanks to supplier-related stock analyses

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Bissantz Case Study Motea

DeltaMaster enables transparency
right down to the item level.

Fast and comprehensible price calculation.

Motea was looking for soft­ware to flexibly link and analyze data from the ERP system with data from Datev appli­cations and Excel files. The company opted for the DeltaMaster business intelli­gence suite from Bissantz & Company. The decisive factors were the perfor­mance and the high flexi­bility of the data connection and the evaluations.

AHAG Unternehmens­beratung, which had already success­fully supported Motea in the design and imple­men­tation of a cost accoun­ting system, was respon­sible for the imple­men­tation.

The Bissantz partner intro­duced DeltaMaster in the form of a budget-friendly rental model: The design, deve­lop­ment and provi­sion of the solution is carried out directly at the customer’s premises – but the solution is operated on servers at AHAG. This means that Motea does not need to invest in its own hard­ware or IT admi­ni­stration capacities. The data is accessed via VPN. The data is updated at night so that Motea always has access to the latest data from the previous day.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

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