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MILEI GmbH, which specia­lizes in whey and milk, uses DeltaMaster for quality analyses of its products as well as for sales and finan­cial evaluations.

  • 2 days to the first application

  • quality controlling with 40 users

  • supply chain at a glance – on the desktop and mobile

  • efficient analysis of large data sets

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Bissantz Case Study Milei

BI solution for local analysis requirements.

With DeltaMaster, MILEI analyzes relevant data and detects deviations and patterns.

MILEI GmbH, which specia­lizes in the enrich­ment and fractio­nation of ingre­dients from whey and milk, uses DeltaMaster to analyse the quality of high-protein deri­va­tives as well as for sales and financial evalu­ations and reports. Data from SAP ERP and measure­ment data from a labo­ratory system form the basis. DeltaMaster is also used in planning appli­cations and Bissantz DeltaApp provides mobile manage­ment infor­mation. „The require­ments for article speci­fi­cations are parti­cularly high in this market,“ Michael Maier, Commercial Director at MILEI, explains. In his search for a suitable BI solution, Maier placed great impor­tance on flexi­bility with regard to the creation of analyses, reports and planning appli­cations, as well as the ability to evaluate any data source.

„The key question for us in deciding on a tool, however, was how much it could support us in our decision-making,“ Michael Maier empha­sizes. „We didn’t just want to see figures, we wanted to get direct impulses as to where we needed to act in order to optimize these figures.“

DeltaMaster from Bissantz offers precisely this capa­bility: the analysis and reporting suite is designed to provide deviation and control infor­mation quickly and clearly on the basis of universal standards for reports and analyses.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

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