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At Alberts, Bissantz is used in the contri­bution margin analysis. This allows costs to be clearly broken down and deviations to be analyzed down to the smallest detail.

  • analysis of billing variables and logistics costs

  • automated variance analysis

  • calculation of quantity and price effects

  • credit memo analysis with „Comparator“ data mining method

  • comparison of key figures with small multiples

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Bissantz Case Study Gustav Alberts

Efficient evaluation of sales data.

Contribution margin cash flow calculation with DeltaMaster.

Alberts decided to expand its systems in order to increase data trans­pa­rency and link different company divi­sions. The choice fell on the analysis front-end from Bissantz. „The focus of appli­cation is on analyzing our sales data. With DeltaMaster, we can now evaluate this data much more efficiently than before,“ Heike Wüsthoff, Controller at Alberts, explains. To do this, the master and tran­sac­tion data is taken from SAP ERP and imported into Microsoft SQL Server. The sales data is then enriched with addi­tional infor­mation and imported into Microsoft Analysis Services. The analysis is then carried out via DeltaMaster.

The main users are all employees in internal sales, field sales and sales manage­ment. The heart of the appli­cation is the depiction of the entire contri­bution margin cash flow calcu­lation. This allows changes in the contri­bution margin of a product to be divided into two effects: a quantity effect and a price effect. In order to obtain clean values for price changes, the value effects are broken down further. For example, Alberts sepa­rates all invoice-related sur­charges and discounts, such as freight or initial equip­ment discounts, from the pure price effect. „It was impor­tant for us to increase the trans­pa­rency of our data,“ says Heike Wüsthoff. The benefits are imme­diately visible in sales: bonuses, special conditions, freight costs and other sales deductions can be uncovered and directly allocated to individual products.

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Nicolas Bissantz

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