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The Diakonie-Klinikum Stuttgart uses Bissantz software for the analysis and reporting of medical key figures.

  • data warehouse from phoebus as a single point of truth

  • ad-hoc analyses and standardized reporting with uniform visualization in one tool

  • recipient-specific reports with web-based access

  • can be used promptly thanks to predefined key figures and analyses

  • development of reports and analyses as well as role administration without the need of external support

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Bissantz Case Study Diakonie Stuttgart

Cooperation for modern medical controlling.

Controlling platform from PHOEBUS IT Consulting with Bissantz technology.

To improve the analysis of medical data, the Diakonie-Klinikum Stuttgart was looking for a business intelli­gence solution. PHOEBUS IT Consul­ting had „the right pres­crip­tion“. PHOEBUS has been specia­lizing in data ware­house solu­tions for the health­care industry for over ten years. The product range includes phoebus portal, a holistic controlling solution for hospi­tals and clinics with its own cost unit accoun­ting. The modular control­ling platform enables ad-hoc analyses and standar­dized reporting with data from all company divi­sions, including medical controlling.

The concept: data from the opera­tional systems, e.g. the hospital infor­mation system, the labo­ratory system or financial accoun­ting, is processed in a data ware­house and made available as a multi­di­men­sional data set. Microsoft SQL Server is used as the data­base system. The BI solution DeltaMaster from Bissantz serves as the front-end for analysis and reporting.

„The figures have to be visualized in a way that corres­ponds to the indi­vi­dual needs of the user. This is precisely the strength of DeltaMaster,“, Arne Schnabel, Managing Director of PHOEBUS IT Consulting, explains.

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Nicolas Bissantz

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