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Deuter Sport.

Already in the pilot project, Bissantz put his BI solution into productive use at Deuter Sport. “I wouldn’t have thought such a quick implementation was possible,” enthuses the project manager.

  • standardized model structure with DeltaMaster ETL

  • fast transition from prototype to productive system

  • interactive deviation analyses

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Bissantz Case Study Deuter Sport

Productive use in three days.

BI solution for financial and sales controlling.

Egbert Veit joined Deuter in 2012 as Commercial Director. There, he found a rudi­men­tary BI system that did not meet the require­ments of the then rapidly growing company. Deuter urgently needed a modern BI system for finan­cial and sales controlling that would also allow other compa­nies to be inte­grated. Veit was parti­cularly looking for flexi­bility in report prepa­ration in order to create a customer contri­bution margin calcu­lation by area and product with a detailed drill-down as well as a profit center calculation.

The old solution could not meet these require­ments and a lot of manual work had to be done using Excel. From his time at another company, he was already familiar with the BI solution DeltaMaster, which had prevailed against many other BI providers in a selection process and had served him well.

A small team got to work on the pilot project: two employees each from Bissantz, Deuter and the ERP provider. After just three days, they were able to deliver the first reports with real data.

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Nicolas Bissantz

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