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Microsoft Azure.

Analysis, planning and reporting at the highest level – cost-efficient and flexible. DeltaMaster seamlessly integrates data from Microsoft Azure and makes it usable in the cloud.

  • variable costs depending on the use case

  • cost reduction and relief for IT

  • flexible scalability with increasing data volumes and users

  • worldwide access, geo-redundant data storage

  • cloud-based end user tool for smartphones and browsers

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Cloud-based reporting, planning and analysis.

DeltaMaster cloud solutions in Microsoft Azure.

Microsoft Azure is widely used as a cloud compu­ting platform. Business Intelligence by Bissantz ensures that data from Microsoft Azure is easily accessible and can be viewed anywhere – thus providing analysis, planning and reporting at the highest level. With DeltaMaster in the cloud, business intelli­gence solutions are available to specialist depart­ments even more quickly and easily: In record time, you can test results from work­shops, preliminary studies and “proofs of concept” live with DeltaMaster and use them directly. Access via web browser and via app for smart­phone and tablet is available from day one of piloting. There is no need to configure server components.

Instead, you can immediately transfer your ideas into DeltaMaster reports and share them with your users. The appli­cation costs are trans­parent and calculable. DeltaMaster supports various Microsoft services, including Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, Azure Analysis Services and Power BI. On top of this, you can also use the Tabular Model for data modeling and Azure Active Directory for authenti­cation and authori­zation manage­ment with DeltaMaster. Thanks to its high scalability, even large volumes of data and large numbers of users can be processed efficiently – this makes DeltaMaster, in conjunction with cloud-based platforms, a powerful system that is also suitable for large companies.­

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Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

SaaS is a method of providing soft­ware appli­cations via the internet, whereby the appli­cations and underlying infra­structures are hosted and managed by cloud providers. All mainte­nance tasks (e.g. upgrades and security patches) are also handled by the cloud provider. Users connect to the appli­cation via the internet, usually using a web browser on their mobile phone, tablet or PC.

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

With PaaS, you place a major part of the time-consuming and resource-intensive admini­stration of data­base compo­nents in the hands of Microsoft Azure – by choosing so-called managed SQL data­bases. Critical updates and necessary backups of your data­bases are carried out auto­matically, while you maintain full control over their performance.

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

With Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), you can use the full scope of a multi­dimen­sional archi­tecture for your reporting. Essentially, two easily adaptable virtual machines serve this purpose – one in the sense of an appli­cation server for the DeltaMaster compo­nents used, one in the sense of a data­base server for data storage with Microsoft SQL Server.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

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