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Coppenrath & Wiese.

Coppenrath & Wiese uses Bissantz as a controlling solu­tion in almost all func­tional areas. Data from ERP, ware­housing, HR and other systems is centralized in a data warehouse.

  • 150 users, from production to sales, finance and investments through to management

  • production controlling for over 30 production lines

  • integrated personnel deployment planning

  • cost and investment controlling through to receipts

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Bissantz Case Study Coppenrath & Wiese

Complex system landscape.

Bissantz as a basic ingredient in controlling at Coppenrath & Wiese.

Various systems and sub­systems are used to manage the produc­tion processes at Coppenrath & Wiese: in addition to the Comarch ERP system, the company uses OPUS to manage ware­housing and Web­factory to measure down­times as well as tank and silo levels. Personnel data and payroll accoun­ting are handled with P&I Loga. These and other sub­systems form a complex IT land­scape at Coppenrath & Wiese. To consoli­date the data from all systems, Coppenrath & Wiese utilizes a central data ware­house. With the data from Comarch based on IBM DB2 as the main data source, Bissantz started to set up data cubes.

The information from all systems was merged using Bissantz ETL.

„We wanted to get rid of data storage in sub­systems and individual evalu­ations asso­ciated with complex and inflexible Excel reports and bring every­thing together in a single inter­face,“ Michael Hasenpatt, Commercial Director at Coppenrath & Wiese, explains. With this data basis, the controlling depart­ment was able to set up a standar­dized reporting system in DeltaMaster as a front-end that makes data easily under­stan­dable and accessible for all employees.

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Nicolas Bissantz

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