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Conmetall Meister.

Conmetall Meister, a system supplier to the hard­ware store industry, uses DeltaMaster from Bissantz to analyze data from SoftM and SAP. Reports are provided centrally and used especially in sales.

  • over 100 users

  • over 30 million data records in sales

  • comprehensible preparation and analysis flexibility

  • provision of reports via a central database

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Bissantz Case Study Conmetall Meister

Sales reporting for large volumes of data.

Bissantz impresses with its variety and features.

Conmetall Meister offers around 40,000 products. This results in a high level of data com­plexity, as Mirco Lischka, Controller at Conmetall Meister, explains: “Due to our various sales organi­zations, we have a total of over 30 million data records in the system for sales alone, including 22 million billing items. In addition, there are around 6 million order items in purcha­sing, 420,000 data records for articles, over 30,000 result objects for custo­mers and around 6,500 for suppliers.” Conmetall Meister previ­ously lacked the ability to make full analy­tical use of this wealth of data.

„We were able to generate turn­over and gross profit. Other key figures that are important to us had to be calcu­lated with great effort,” Lischka says. “This resulted in huge, cluttered Excel spread­sheets, which were then analyzed manually.“

Alongside more analysis flexibility, Conmetall Meister wanted a solution that would provide employees at depart­mental manage­ment level and top manage­ment with easy-to-under­stand reports in a more convenient and needs-oriented manner than before.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

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