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Bissantz has been passionately developing innovative and award-winning BI solutions for 30 years.

Market leaders and hidden champions trust us.

Bissantz is building on this.

On many years of basic research, a strong partner network and competent employees.



Markets and people are changing. We are adapting to these changes – in all areas of the company. For our teams, this means: varied tasks with a great deal of freedom – with flexible working hours and models, whether home office, office or hybrid.




Our strength is innovation. When developing our software, we therefore rely on automation and the latest technologies that are as diverse as our customers. Our teams work at the cutting edge – and of course with state-of-the-art workstations and equipment.



Business intelligence without compromise: With our software and personal consulting, we make corporate management as easy as it should be for our customers. Seeing, understanding and acting is the mission behind it – a clear position with perspective, for everyone personally and for our company as a whole.


Since 1996 – 3 locations – 100 employees – more than 500 customers.


Bissantz & Company is based in Nurem­berg. All central functions are located here, especially our research and deve­lop­ment. The uni­ver­sity, with which we are still closely connected today, and the famous castle are within sight.


We opened our first loca­tion in Ham­burg in 2011 and expanded in 2017, moving into a Kontor­haus on Neuer Wall. The Paulsen­haus is a traditional office building – and if you want, you can use the paternoster lift to get from the foyer to us.

Spreitenbach/ Switzerland

Since 2021, we are also present in Spreiten­bach, Switzer­land – in a new form of work: a co­working space.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

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