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Bissantz Campus.

Preparing data so that it can be analyzed smoothly is an important task in business intelligence projects. Our consulting team supports you and ensures the necessary transfer of expertise during the project itself. And we do not leave you alone you once roll-out is complete: The Bissantz Campus provides you with the knowledge you need to independently operate and enhance your business intelligent solutions or establish new ones.

From the ETL process and data modeling, report creation and visualization, through to report distribution and administration, suitable training is available for all tasks and roles. All of our trainers are experienced project consultants. We look forward to working with you!

Schulung: DeltaMaster I

DeltaMaster I: Compact Training

A one-day overview of all key functions and modules for working with existing applications.

  • Introduction: Philosophy and architecture
  • Basic functions: Browse, zoom, navigate
  • Modeling (self-service BI): Connecting to new data sources
  • Editing: Graphical Tables, links and navigation, analytics
  • Publishing: Report distribution and Repository (overview)
  • Help functions and sources of know-how

Schulung: DeltaMaster II

DeltaMaster II: Report structuring and analysis

All of the key details on working with Graphical Tables: conceptual background information, technical implementation, correct visualization.

  • The Bissantz reporting standards
  • Graphical Tables: Axis definition, context menu, table properties
  • Analytics: Ranking, concentration analysis, time series analysis, portfolio analysis, SQL drill through
  • Calculated members
  • Application logic and workflow: Navigation and links, report comments
  • Report organization and properties

Schulung: DeltaMaster III

DeltaMaster III: Report organization and distribution

Concentrated expertise on administering, updating, distributing, and publishing reports and analyses using the push and pull principle.

  • Architecture and central components: Publisher and Repository
  • Application administration: Repository role administration
  • Push procedure: Office, PDF, e-mail, DeltaApp
  • Pull procedure: Web option, add-in for Office, DeltaMaster app
  • Layout and CI: Adjusting format templates

Campus: Schulung MDX

SQL: Introduction to relational databases and the SQL query language

One-day beginner’s/refresher course on relational databases, modeling and the SQL query language.

  • Principles of relational modeling
  • Normalization, keys and indexes, types of link
  • Structured introduction to SQL and the key elements of the language

Campus: Ein-Tages-Schulung SQL

MDX: Introduction to the Multidimensional Expressions database language

Two-day introduction to the MDX query language based on useful practical examples in DeltaMaster.

  • MDX principles for BI users
  • Introduction to MDX syntax (terminology, structure)
  • Identifying and using the most important MDX objects (tuples, sets, members)
  • Understanding how DeltaMaster uses MDX
  • Navigating hierarchical trees using MDX
  • Working with MDX operators and functions, e.g. Ancestors, Descendants, CrossJoin, etc.
  • Calculating KPIs using MDX (aggregates, rankings, etc.)
  • Using the acquired principles in DeltaMaster (axis definition, measures, named sets, etc.)
  • Numerous exercises to reinforce the acquired knowledge

Campus: Workshop OLAP

OLAP: Modeling using Microsoft SQL Server and Analysis Services

From raw data to the finished application in two days: Creating a complete BI solution using Microsoft Data Tools for BI.

  • OLAP: Concept and terminology
  • Extracting and loading with SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
  • Attribute-based dimensional and hierarchical structure
  • Cubes and measure groups
  • Calculated members
  • Aggregations, partitions, and writeback
  • Semi-additivity and discretization
  • Administration: Backup/restore, permissions concept

Campus: Workshop ETL

ETL: Automated and standardized model generation using DeltaMaster ETL

Automated and standardized model generation using DeltaMaster ETL for greater flexibility and error-proofing.

  • Automation, optimization, and standardization of data models
  • Modeling through metadata maintenance in
  • Automatic generation of the snowflake schema and of relational data transformations
  • Automatic generation of the entire OLAP model
  • Integrated support for troubleshooting


Individual DeltaMaster training

One-day or two-day DeltaMaster training on all of the key functions and modules based on your own data – irrespective of which version of DeltaMaster you have.

The content of the training is individually adapted to your requirements but can draw upon the DeltaMaster I – III training programs. All that is required is a good training infrastructure, i.e. a sufficiently large training room, a video projector, and a computer for each participant with DeltaMaster installed (including database access).



Eine ein- oder zweitägige DeltaMaster-Schulung zu allen wichtigen Funktionen und Modulen auf Grundlage Ihrer eigenen Daten – unabhängig von Ihrer DeltaMaster-Version.

Der Schulungsinhalt wird individuell an Ihre Bedürfnisse angepasst, kann jedoch an die Schulungen DeltaMaster I – III angelehnt werden. Voraussetzung: Lediglich eine gute Schulungsinfrastruktur, d. h. ein ausreichend großer Schulungsraum, ein Projektor, für jeden Teilnehmer einen Rechner, ausgestattet mit DeltaMaster (einschließlich Datenbankzugriff).


Tel.: +49 911 935536-0
Fax: +49 911 935536-10 or
E-mail: campus@bissantz.com


The events are held at our premises in Nuremberg or at your premises.


Participation fees per day and person are EUR 690 (plus VAT) for our regular Campus courses and EUR 1,640 (plus VAT) for individual DeltaMaster training. We will be happy to make you a customized offer if you wish to make a booking for several participants and/or days. In-house courses can also be provided after consultation; the content and dates must be agreed with us in advance.