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“Integration rather than isolated solutions” – this was the main concern of Michael Jung­mann, Pricing Manager, when rede­sig­ning the reporting system at Bürkert Fluid Control Systems.

  • upstream systems SAP ERP and Microsoft

  • Dynamics CRM

  • sales planning

  • ad-hoc analyses in self-service mode

  • automated dispatch of PDF reports

  • 500 users company-wide

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Vertriebsplanung und Vertriebsreporting mit DeltaMaster bei Bürkert

Company-wide from the very beginning.

Binding results from various source systems.

„We were implementing reports with different solutions – from direct queries from data­bases to a self-developed appli­cation and SAP BW,“ Jungmann explains, „which resulted in the reports contai­ning the same key figures, but with different values. This often led to lengthy discus­sions about the diffe­rences in the supposedly identical figures instead of using them as a basis for business decisions.

In short, our goal was to create a binding source of results for the entire company.“ A standar­dized business intelli­gence soft­ware was to be used that would enable Bürkert to compile data from various source systems and evaluate it according to different criteria.

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Nicolas Bissantz

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