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Bissantz offers BJB a holistic soft­ware concept with a data-dense, inno­va­tive cockpit for various user groups – from top manage­ment to the indivi­dual functional areas.

  • Oracle Database connected with Microsoft SQL Server/Analysis Services

  • standardization of tools and report formats

  • high data density via graphical tables

  • analytical applications for the specialist departments

  • early warning system with the trumpet curve

  • access down to document level

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Case Study BJB

More efficiency in controlling.

Automation and standardization prove their worth in business intelligence.

What has proven itself in produc­tion to increase efficiency while main­tai­ning quality is also expec­ted from controlling and BI: Auto­mation and stan­dar­dization. To achieve this, BJB needed a new business intelli­gence tool that could process all impor­tant company infor­mation for all areas, including all foreign subsi­diaries, in a user-oriented manner. Questions arising from the reporting system should be answered directly with the help of analysis proce­dures and reports should be gene­rated and distr­ibuted auto­matically, i.e. without manual intervention.

BJB opted for DeltaMaster from Bissantz. The overall archi­tec­ture is essentially a hybrid data ware­house archi­tec­ture, with a rela­tional data ware­house in Oracle and multi­dimen­sional cubes in Analysis Services. Users have access to all infor­mation via a single front-end: DeltaMaster. Around 50 users now utilize DeltaMaster at BJB, for example in purchasing, sales and inventory controlling as well as in cost and perfor­mance accounting. The reports are created auto­ma­tically and distri­buted at specified times using a report server.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

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