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Business Intelligence on the “Nordschleife” race track (1)

Were you with us in Berlin? At our Executive Forum celebrating our 20th corporate anniversary? If not, you really missed out. The professional race car driver and instructor, Markus Gedlich, was there among others. He and I presented the findings from our eye tracking samples with the racing legend, Hans-Joachim Stuck.

Markus runs a school for race car drivers. He meticulously trains his team of coaches, which include the likes of Nico Bastian, Francesco Lopez, Florian Spengler, Timo Kluck, and Markus Enzinger. All are professional racers through and through. He turns fast racers into teachers for fast driving. Our research at the Nordschleife focused on Business Intelligence, but the findings are so fundamental that they are generating great interest in other areas as well.

gedlich5  Markus Gedlich Markus Gedlich  Markus Gedlich, Dr. Nicolas Bissantz

Markus said, “The findings have confirmed many things that we intuitively knew, but now have opened the door for a more systematic usage. I have begun to incorporate [these findings] in my courses for coaches and am certain that our training will be even more efficient on account of them. Considering the enormous costs in racing, that’s good news for everyone.”

We have presented our material live in Berlin and, most recently, in Stuttgart and explored what findings we can apply to Business Intelligence. A documentary including on-board footage from the cockpit and the recorded eye movements is currently in the works. I can hardly wait!

Read the sequel: “Business Intelligence on the ‘Nordschleife’ race track (2)”.

Nicolas Bissantz

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