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Business Intelligence on the “Nordschleife” race track (2)

We’ve just finished another important step: Frank Kretschmann and Nota-X have summarized the outstanding material from the Nordschleife into a first film. In it, I explain why it was so important to us not to simply measure eye tracking in a lab, but at a place where the stakes are high and each glance has to be on target.

The Nordschleife is such a hard test because of the relentless distractions on the human eye. We all know this problem too well when sitting in front of a computer. Literally as I type, an Apple software update is flashing in the menu bar, Skype for Business is blinking with new messages, and when I close my eyes to concentrate, a new email pops up. There is no room for distractions on the Nordschleife; the eye movements there must be correct. But for now, sit back and enjoy the footage of our fabulous day and phenomenal findings.

Read the first part of Business Intelligence on the “Nordschleife”.

Press material on request.

Nicolas Bissantz

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