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Why 2.0? Welcome to Business Intelligence 7.0!

As most people in relationships know all too well (“You’re just like your mother!“), your selection of opening words will make or break any discussion. This holds true in the IT industry as well. Only there, you need to talk about something new or at least make it sound like it is. The proper terminology is equally important. But at all cost, avoid German translation. Not everybody fails as poorly as I did: Google cites 1,310,000 German pages for Data Mining and 846 for Datenmustererkennung (data pattern recognition), a term I tried to coin as repeatedly as unsuccessfully*.

Oh yes, and be sure to mention “Anything 2.0” as Dietmar Köthner, editor of is report puts it. We have Web 2.0 and Business Intelligence 2.0. There’s even SOA 2.0 and Volkswagen GTI 2.0. Köthner says, the term BI 2.0 came from me. Uh … thanks, but I’ll pass on that one. When I recently asked Nigel Pendse if he wanted to comment, he just shook his head. After all, BI has existed since the 90’s or actually even the 70’s, just under a different name. If anything, we should be at BI 7.0 by now. Good point, Nigel! Listen to his Podcast to hear more.

* References:

Nicolas Bissantz, Jürgen Hagedorn: Data Mining (Datenmustererkennung), WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK No. 5/1993, pp. 481-487.

Nicolas Bissantz: CLUSMIN – Ein Beitrag zur Analyse von Daten des Ergebniscontrollings mit Datenmustererkennung (Data Mining). Dissertation, Nürnberg 1996.

Jürgen Hagedorn, Nicolas Bissantz, Peter Mertens: Data Mining (Datenmustererkennung): Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung, WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK No. 6/1997, pp. 601-612.

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