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BI Lab on tour – how rainy weather led to successful research

Bad weather had initially seemed to delay our research schedule but in the end, precarious track conditions offered new insights.

As you may have heard, we love motor racing – to improve management reporting. Sounds strange? Human eyesight is different from what we think and on racetracks, lap times clearly reveal which visual strategies can deal with the limitations of our perception successfully and which ones can’t. We build the successful strategies into our software in a way that ‘forces’ our eyes to behave like the well-trained eyes of a good race driver. Our typographically scaled Bissantz’Numbers are an example of this type of research.

This time, we had set out to improve our understanding of peripheral vision. However, when driving on slick tires and partly wet, partly dry tarmac, the eyes focus on every meter of the road to find the line with the best grip. Peripheral vision does not help in this process of ‘reading the road’.

In the end, after many laps, the concept of ‘contrast dynamics’ came up: the key to smart behavior in time and space is to always have an exact idea of ‘where you are’. Our eyesight constructs this idea. Well-designed reports help to construct this idea more rapidly. But how do we help our eyes to adjust to ‘where we are’, as we navigate through our data along a path around bends and corners?

Join us at our Executive Forum in Berlin, where we explain our findings.

Nicolas Bissantz

Diagramme im Management

Besser entscheiden mit der richtigen Visualisierung von Daten

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