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Awesome! Bissantz streetcar in Nuremberg

Motion arouses emotion: The streetcar in the look of our Business Intelligence software DeltaMaster will roll through the city of Nuremberg for a further year. The DeltaMaster tram has many fans – both in our office as well as on the street.

Gerd Lamatsch from the city’s outdoor advertising company (Stadtreklame) came up with the idea back in 2015. I liked the fact that our “DeltaMaster on tracks” would be in motion because motion is what guides the human eye best. The only reason we can cope with the limitations of our sight in traffic is because our brains tell us: what is moving is important; what is important is moving. Our primal ancestors had to recognize movements to recognize prey and enemies. Otherwise, they would have faced starvation or being prey themselves. Nowadays, our main objective is just not to get run over. This means for advertising that a streetcar stands out more than a billboard. How true!



Nicolas Bissantz

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