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Unruly data? Never mind!

Graphics lie in many ways. Last week, German journal Wirtschaftswoche favored fudging with time scales. Three times in one issue alone. Indeed statistics are notoriously inaccurate. Often incomplete. Forecasts even more. Never mind, says Wirtschaftswoche. Use wide bars and irregular time scales. Readers might be dumb enough not to notice. Some dogs might not.

Source: Wirtschaftwoche, issue 27/2008 of 2008-06-30, p. 60

Redesign: me

Source: Wirtschaftwoche, issue 27/2008 of 2008-06-30, p. 7 6

Redesign: me

Source: Wirtschaftwoche, issue 27/2008 of 2008-06-30, p. 85

Redesign: me

Nicolas Bissantz

Diagramme im Management

Besser entscheiden mit der richtigen Visualisierung von Daten

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