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You only draw twice

“Die Welt” has drawn a graphic table. The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” draws some every day. But with ash. Have a look.

Source: “Die Welt”, 2012-10-24, page 13.

Normally I bitch very very very often, ifDie Welt draws something. Today I like it. Seven columns with numbers. Thereof fife with bars. Nicely compact. Lots to look at. All in. Well… I better have a second look.

The bars could be longer. The space would be sufficient. Then, there would be more distinction.

The stripes are stupid. Very seldom, they are supposed to be in tables. The circles are even more stupid. They are only supposed to be in cross-classified tables. Not here: they do not fit into the cells. They overlap. They can’t be well compared.

Have a look again. If you draw the circles as bars they would look like the bars for gram. See, there is the same information twice. Remember: If the same thing is there twice it is one too many.

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