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More logic, less fashion

I like simple. But not more simple. Some road signs in Germany are renewed. And more modern. And more illogical. Because details are missing. It´s like with fonts. It´s good for reading when letters differ in many details.

Symbol 142: Deer pass, old Symbol 142: deer pass, new

The deer is ok. It just has a little more weight. I like more weight. It still jumps as nice as before. And as high as before. Zack! Into the front window. Watch out!

Symbol 151: unguarded level crossing, old Symbol 151: unguarded level crossing, new

Crossing is difficult in traffic. The train at the old railroad crossing is old fashioned. As old fashioned as the disc symbol for saving data. The train became more modern. But it’s headed directly towards you. At an angle from the front. Will high speed trains now regularly jump out of rail tracks? Mainly at railroad crossings? Help!

Symbol 138: bikers crossing, old Symbol 138: bikers crossing, new

Crossing bikers are difficult, too. In the past. Today bicycles are dangerous. Because they come without lights. Without pedals. Alone. The biker already fell of.

Symbol 124: traffic jams, old Symbol 124: traffic jams, new

In the past we were warned of traffic jams. Many cars brake. Suddenly it becomes tight. Today we are warned of convoys. All close one after another. Nobody brakes.

That´s not too bad. We will learn the new symbols. But they are not a good example for clever design. By the way: he found good design for road signs in New Zealand.

Nicolas Bissantz

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