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Thumb rules for fools

Symbols for worse. I said that once. Everybody understands that. Have a look.

Source: The German magazine „Auto, Motor und Sport“, Nr. 14/2013, page 5.
Source: The German magazine „Auto, Motor und Sport“, Nr. 14/2013, page 5.

Thumbs up is good. Thumbs down is bad. Especially, if you are a gladiator. Then it can be understood.

To be honest, I am glad to have paws. Top left: drawn own left hand. Thumb slanted down three quarter. Gout? Three quarter good? Half good?

Top middle: drawn own right hand, seven eighth straight. Gout as well? Almost completely good?

Top right: left elbow on the table, shoulder to the left, hand down, luxate arm. Watch out for a slipped disk!

Nicolas Bissantz

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