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The darker, the strike

Now it’s the World Cup. Germany was against England. And won. 4:1. Without extra time, without penalty shootout. The English don´t like penalties. This has been discussed a lot. Where to shoot? Top, bottom, middle, right, left?

Strikes at the penalty shootout. Source: Die Welt, 2010-06-26, p. 25.
Results of a survey on 626 penalty shootouts.
Figure top: hit rate. Figure bottom: number of shots.
Source: Die Welt, 2010-06-26, p. 25.

The goal of a chart: lead the eye. The chart in the newspaper Welt doesn´t work. Because the hit rate is hidden in the areas. They are hard to compare. Pie charts in bright and dark colors are better.

Redesign: Me.

Here, especially good. Look: The pieces of the pies do complement. White to white, dark to dark. We see zones. Where we should shoot. Ideally: under the crossbar. Secondbest: to the right of the keeper. Thirdbest: to the left of the keeper.

Nicolas Bissantz

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