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Collapsteral damage

Tax revenues collapse. Tells us the Handelsblatt. He thinks, 9 percent minus and collapse don’t go together. I read the article, too. And nearly collapsed: Perceptive priority not understood. Once again: With columns you interpret differences in length as differences in value. Therefore: Chopping prohibited. Or: Use lines instead of columns.

The Handelsblatt didn’t. See left. But they should. See right.

Beyond the zenith - German tax revenues in billion Euro. Source: Handelsblatt no. 131, July 13th 2009, p. 3.
“Beyond the zenith”: German tax revenues in billion Euro. Source: Handelsblatt no. 131, July 13th 2009, p. 3. Redesign: me. – The Handelsblatt is a major German economy newspaper.

Now I became a little skeptical and checked the reference (PDF). There are two more estimates. Hm.

Chart from Handelsblatt no. 131, July 13th 2009, p. 3, enriched with estimates for 2012 and 2013
Source: me.

Nicolas Bissantz

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