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Ash trash

I looked at them again. At the stock exchange prices in the SZ, the German newspaper “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. Always funny. For a long time now. Again and again. Have a look.

Source: SZ from 2014-05-15. Click to enlarge: MDax and TecDax

Aurubis is up 3.43. And Leoni 4.02. A difference of 17 %. But the bar for Leoni is 58 % longer.

It gets even more funny. Freenet is down 5.35. Leoni is 25 % shorter. But the bar for it 12 % longer. So much fun.

The fun comes from chopping. And stick-ash-to-it. Sometimes at 4. Sometimes at 11.

Sparkasse knows how to do it better.

Nicolas Bissantz

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