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You can't stand on one leg

Vodafone compared its subsidiaries. How quickly they have grown. In the regions around the world. There is only one subsidiary in the US. It was still compared though. But what with? Looks rather amusing. Single column.

Sales growth fiscal 2008/2009 (left) and 2009/2010 (right).
Vodafone Group Plc Annual Reports 31 March 2009, page 11, and 31 March 2010, page 11.

I see: The graphic designer was stumped. Everything had to look uniform. What could he do? Use a global scale. Then everything is all right again. And one column is by itself but no longer lonely.

No more lonely columns in the 2010/2011 Annual Report, but amusing suggestions. Write whether it was “growth” or “decrease” afterwards. Then you’re not negative anywhere.

Nicolas Bissantz

Diagramme im Management

Besser entscheiden mit der richtigen Visualisierung von Daten

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