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Rethink the shrink-stretch

I said: I draw that again. Now have a look.

Redesign: me.

Look how it works. In “The Economist” it looked like that:

Startup your engines: Total follow-on funding for alumni from top accelerators. Source: The Economist, Special Report „Tech Startups“, 2014-01-18, page 5.
Source: Same as last time. “The Economist”, Special Report “Tech Startups”, 2014-01-18, page 5.

I promised: I’ll give it a try with point bars. And logarithmically. Now you can have a look again:

From me as well.

Have a look at the distances: They are the same between Y Combinator, Techstars and AngelPad. Because: Y Combinator is four times bigger than Techstars. And Techstars four times bigger than AngelPad. Great.

Funny, hm? 2 billion and 2 million within the same list. Point bars in a logarithmic way can deal with it.

Nicolas Bissantz

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