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No downfall of the world

Last year the downfall of the world was supposed to happen. It didn’t. But the Titanic fell down. Not last year, but one hundred years ago. Jan has painted graphics and charts about it. Last year. Mr. Bron did so, too. Not last year, but one hundred years ago. Have a look.

The Loss of the "Titanic." - The Results Analysed and Shown in a Special "Sphere" diagram. Quelle: Rendgen, S., Wiedemann, J., Information Graphics, Köln 2012, Seite 75.
Source: Rendgen, S., Wiedemann, J., Information Graphics, Cologne 2012, page 75.
Click to enlarge.

Mr. Bron has drawn teeter-totters. Two-colored. Black means drowned. White means saved. Whole teeter-totter means transported. That is always 100 percent in a row. Oh my: 100 percent has a different length in every row. Difficult to read. And it is not aligned on the left hand side, but at the centre. Even more difficult to read. And painted as area, not as length. Not at all to read.

That’s what you get when you want too much. Here: to show percent and absolute numbers at the same time.

Nicolas Bissantz

Diagramme im Management

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