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He was upset about it. Because there is no logarithm. And everything appears wrong: electricity rises more than gas. Fuel oil prices explode. Wrong. I have drawn it with logarithm. Gas rises more than electricity. Fuel oil rises a little more than gas. Right. Because, from the beginning to the end: gas plus 83 percent, electricity plus 36 percent, fuel oil plus 122 percent.

Entwicklung der Preise: Heizöl, Strom, Erdgas. Quelle: Welt am Sonntag, 08.06.2008, Seite 7.Entwicklung der Preise: Heizöl, Strom, Erdgas. Logarithmisch skaliert.
Source left: Welt am Sonntag, 2008–06–08, page 7. Right: with a corrected chart, by me, yesterday.

For comfort I found him another Sunday newspaper. Where there is logarithm. So that it looks right. And that you can see something at all. Without logarithm the people from Oceania would be flat as gas from “Welt am Sonntag”. And the Asians steep as oil from “Welt am Sonntag”.

Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 2011–10–30, page 67.

Have a look: double buckle. At (6) and (9). The same happens. For different loads of people. Foreigners come. Locals get ill and get killed. Later the population grows.

What you see all and right, if you see alright.

Nicolas Bissantz

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