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No more teeter-totter

Mr. Bron’s teeter-totter again. They were supposed to show absolute numbers. They were supposed to show percent. At the same time. For many things at the same time. Man, woman, child. First class, second class, third class. Passengers, crew.

I have tried it like that: You read comparisons with relative numbers. On the same basis. Percent. Therefore, I take a graphic with filling levels. To analyze it. Aha – on the Titanic there was a rule to be observed: women, children, dogs first.

The Loss of the Titanic - Redesign als Grafische Tabelle. Von mir.
People on the Titanic. Data from here. Redesign: me.

You read details with absolute numbers. No percent. No need to take a graphic for that. One task, one graphic. One graphic, one task.

Nicolas Bissantz

Diagramme im Management

Besser entscheiden mit der richtigen Visualisierung von Daten

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