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Wolfhart gave me a book. As a present. From Eduard. About maps. I flipped through the pages. Then I got hungry. The dog food is sent by post. Produced in A. I live in D. In B and C, there are hungry dogs as well. Have a look. As if it were real. A real map. Between A and B the street is winding like a worm. Same between C and D.

Transportweg A-B-C-D topographisch dargestellt. Quelle: Eduard Imhof, Thematische Kartografie, Berlin u. a. 1972, Seite 192. Transportmengen auf den vereinfachten Strecken A-B und B-C und C-D. Quelle: Eduard Imhof, Thematische Kartografie, Berlin u. a. 1972, Seite 192.
Fig. 110 Transportation route A-B-C-D displayed topographically (left)
Fig. 111 Transport volume on the simplified route A-B and B-C and C-D (right)
Source: Eduard Imhof, Special subject cartography (in German: Thematische Kartografie), Berlin et. al. 1972, page 192.

How many parcels are left for me? Have a look at fig. 111. It’s still a pretty nice map. It still looks as if it were real. And you see the parcels.

Transportmengen von A nach B und von B nach C und von C nach D, Transportwege gestreckt. Quelle: Eduard Imhof, Thematische Kartografie, Berlin u. a. 1972, Seite 192. Quelle: Eduard Imhof, Thematische Kartografie, Berlin u. a. 1972, Seite 192.
Fig. 112 Transport volume from A to B and from B to C and from C to D. Transportation routes
are stretched (left)
Fig. 113 Transport volume from A to B, from A to C, from A to D, without specification of the
route (right)
Source: there again, page 193.

Have a look at fig. 112. Lots of map. Lots of statistic. It doesn’t look as if it were real anymore. And have a look at fig. 113. That’s for the post office. The want to know how much they can charge. From every hungry dog. Doesn’t look real at all. But it’s correct. For this purpose.

They are all correct. For their own purpose. See: not only the real things are correct.

Nicolas Bissantz

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