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Tiles instead of spaghetti

Die Welt tangles up developments. About automobile colors. Pretty spaghetti-ish to me.

New registrations by color in percent (* Colors other than those shown not listed). Source: Die Welt, 2011-11-27, page 99.
New registrations by color in percent (* Colors other than those shown not listed).
Source: Die Welt, 2011-11-27, page 99.

Showing things next to each other is good. When next to each other is on top of each other, it becomes a dog’s dinner. A bad one. Then you need to disentangle things from each other. Like this, for example.

Redesign as Small Multiples. By me.

Not a dog’s dinner anymore. You can see the big ones clearly. But still not the small ones. Got to think about that.

Nicolas Bissantz

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